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About Pice Educare

Introduction to the best education guide

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Education Analysis

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Best Price Guaranteed

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Expert Guidance

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Pice Educare’s Overview

“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow, belongs to those who prepare for it today.”

Education is the key to a successful career as well as a better life. But, it is extremely important to get the right education from a reliable source. Many students in India are confused about their career goals and therefore, opt for academic degrees randomly. This results in a lack of satisfaction in their respective careers increased frustration, and tremendous work pressure. But, if you don’t like the profession you have chosen and you just aim to make money out of it, you will never be able to satisfy the knowledge seeker inside you.

That is why our experienced consultants at Pice Educare, one of the best overseas higher education consultants in India, have been providing useful suggestions to help students determine their career goals since 2010. However, we do not stop here. Our services are also directed to get you enrolled in your preferred universities anywhere in India and abroad. We can help you pursue higher education in the colleges and universities of India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Georgia. Our support extends from offering you the right knowledge to helping you gain admission to the institutions of your choice.

Our Objective

Our main focus is creating a bridge between students and eminent universities across the globe. We want to make education available for all so that they can create a better future not only for themselves but also for their respective countries.

That is why we use our wide reach to help aspiring students get admission to their chosen universities and pursue their studies with great zeal and enthusiasm. We want to make them feel the need for higher education, which is why we always offer a free consultation to the students as well as their parents.

Most of the students in India do not get to study further because of cost issues. We use our extensive network to find universities in different countries as per our customers’ budgetary inclusions. Our objectives being “Education for all” and “Your Success is Our Aim”, we aspire to go the extra mile to deliver the best results.

Our Vision

Our vision is to create a world that is aware of the importance of higher education and take it as the means to shape a better future. To achieve this aim, we-

  • Empower students and their parents explaining them the significance of higher education.
  • Promote high-quality education programs that can provide the students with the scope to enhance their career.
  • Instill confidence in the minds of the students regarding their abilities and potential to create a better tomorrow.
  • Provide a strong platform for the exchange of ideas, concepts, and knowledge across national boundaries.
  • Enable the universities to train and mentor talents from all over the world.

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The Director’s Desk

One of the top study abroad consultants in India

Education Should Be A Necessity, Not An Option

Education is not all about achieving an academic degree. It goes beyond that. Education is learning how to live a successful life without compromising your sense of happiness or mental peace. But, an academic degree is important to lead that successful life. It is a proof of your credibility, that will be evaluated when you are applying for a professional experience.

In India, a large percentage of students do not have enough resources to get educated in the truest sense of the term. Even if they have the resources, they do not get adequate help and support to take the important decision of studying abroad. So, at Pice Educare, one of the best study abroad consultants in West Bengal, we aim to resolve both these issues with the aid of our highly qualified team and our extensive knowledge on global education.

Basiruddin Shaikh
Managing Director & CEO
(Pice Educare Pvt. Ltd.)

Our Approach

Quality Counselling Free Of Cost

Our main objective is to provide the students as well as the parents with free counseling sessions based on their specific requirements, aspirations, expectations as well as budget. A student before finally deciding which career path to avail undergoes several rounds of confusion and dilemma. This is where our counseling becomes valuable. We channelize a student’s career choice by considering his/her’s educational background ( how he/she has performed in the previous examinations), the aim and ambition in life, the interests, and the financial power. Accordingly, we advise the student which course would be the best, the countries where he/she could avail and the best medical universities of those countries. Please note: We provide our counseling sessions without any cost.


Honesty is the best policy and we are a true believer in this ideology. We maintain transparency throughout the admission procedure and let the students know all about how their admission will take place in the recognized universities around the globe. Hence we provide only true information about the dates of application, submission, admission, costs, and whatever else may be required from time to time.

Clear Communication

The key to success is clear communication and it becomes all the more important when a business is conducted. We are well aware of the fact that we are not magicians. And, we let all our clients know that as well. We know what we can deliver and how fast we can do it. We are conscious of the fact that when clients approach us, they expect true and clear communication from our end, that will lead them to their goal. So, we make everything clear at the beginning of our conversations with our patrons. You can expect clear communication from us in any respect, right from the beginning till you get admission to your choicest university.

Best Guidance

So far, we have been providing expert advice and step-by-step guidelines to students from all types of backgrounds. We hold a high reputation in terms of commitment and deliveries. So, it won’t be an exaggeration to say that we use the best resources and the best staff for providing outstanding guidance. We pride ourselves on employing qualified professionals who provide expert guidance with respect to the best countries and its best universities that offer first-class education, quality teaching, useful practical training and internships, eligibility, qualifying marks in the exams of your choicest university, and many more.

Genuine Approach

We are genuinely interested in the success of the students as their success is equivalent to that of ours. With that in mind, we help them choose the university in accordance with their needs and expectations of a successful career. We understand that a student approaches our help for a particular purpose. After considering the requirements, we offer a list of suitable abroad medical universities, the positive impacts on his/her career, and the future possibilities.

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